Hello parents, coaches, friends and family of Buffalo Stampeders Volleyball! This will be home base for your team and individual photos for the 2024-25 season. First off, thank you for inviting me back to photograph your team! While many of you are familiar with the process from last year, I'm sure some will still have some questions about ordering and how everything works so I'll try to answer them here as best I can.
Many of you already got the rundown on this, but I know the main question is always "So, do you change out the background?" and the answer to that is ABSOLUTELY YES. Once the orders are placed, I extract the player from the background, then drop in an appropriate background that matches the theme of the photo. For football, it may be a field background or something edgy with lights / smoke. For volleyball / basketball, I'll use a gym background or again, lights / smoke. That really all comes down to the photos you choose for your order and the angle of each, etc. This may mean choosing backgrounds that line up specifically for the angle the photo was taken at, etc. Some are taken at eye level... some are taken from the ground... and so the perspective changes and the background would need to match.
For this reason, when parents ask the question "Can I pick out the background for my kid's picture?" the answer to that has to be NO. The reasons for that include the reasons I just mentioned, along with the fact that we're trying go get these photos finished in a timely fashion and finally because ... please just trust me :) I've been doing this for years now and it's what I specialize in. I wouldn't do you wrong. Bottom line is, I'm going to make it look great for you, so you don't have to worry about that. Having said all that, if there's a photo in your order in which you'd like to keep the original gray paper backdrop, I can accommodate that, but that's not the way I intended to finalize the photo... so any kind of photographic equipment visible in the proof will be edited out, but will otherwise remain on the original background.
Another frequently asked question is "When wlll I get my pictures?" Turnaround time on these fluctuates throughout the year based on my workload (I'm currently doing all of this by myself), but my goal is always to check orders on a weekly basis and get them edited and sent out as quickly as possible. Buffalo Stampeders Volleyball has an order deadline of Feb 20, 2024. Once that deadline hits, I'll check one last time for the most recent orders, finish up edits and upload your orders.
To access any of the galleries below, sign in with YOUR email address and the password provided by coach (I'll give them the password). By using your email address, you'll be able to create favorites and place your order. All of that is organized by your email address.
Look below for a before and after sample.